Sacred Heart & Seven Sorrows of Mary
Patron of All - Love
Comes on 16/18in Ext Chain
The Sacred Heart universally symbolizes the transformative power of divine love for humanity. The image of the flaming heart surrounded with a crown of thorns while informed by the crucifixion serves as a ubiquitous symbol of Love in popular and secular culture. The Immaculate Heart of Mary which appears on miraculous medals next to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is pierced with a sword rather than crowned with thorns interlocking the two.
While the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus originated in the Middle Ages primarily through the Franciscan mystical devotion of the five wounds of which the wound in Jesus’ heart figured prominently, formalized practice began in 1856 with the Feast of the Sacred Heart celebrated 19 days after the Pentecost and always falling on a Friday. Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque popularized the devotion when Jesus Christ in her visions, radiant with Love, requested He be honored under the figure of His Heart of Flesh.
While the image of the Sacred Heart appears throughout the Sanctus Collection, we celebrate the healing power of divine Love with a cameo portrait of the Sacred Heart, framed in precious medal and anointed with a sacred stone.